Thursday, November 13, 2008

Want to learn the Korean Language?

There are so many available resources on the Internet on learning the Korean language. There is Sogang University's online course, and it is even free! gives you free access to the first 10 lessons.

If you have the time and patience, you can download from torrent sites. There are so many to choose from!

For starters, visit the National Institute of Korean Language and learn the correct pronunciation of Korean words.


Anonymous said...

Korean is very hard for me. How well can you understand or speak now? ^^

Ronnie said...

I haven't really sat down to learn the language from all those resources I got from the net but I have picked up a few words from watching Korean dramas like oppa, noona, unni, sunbae, namja, to name a few.

Of those resources that I have tried, I like Rosetta and Pimsleur a lot.

I have noted that Koreans use many English words but they pronounce these words differently.


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